November 1, 2022
Beloveds,It has been a very full year at St. Augustine’s. Joyously so! Together we have partnered in the re-gathering and re-generating of our community as we emerge from some difficult years. Have you noticed the percolations of Spirit, Love, and Joy amongst us? Wow!
God’s love and presence are so clearly evident. Our ministry to families with children has returned with vibrancy and creativity. Our Sunday School rooms are fresh and joyfully welcoming. Our chapel now serves our children as a space specially created for them with age appropriate ways to engage with worship. We have partnered with Fr. Ben+ in the growth of ministry with and among our Latino/Latina brothers and sisters. Our vestry has served and led with exceptional skill, grace, commitment and love. Choir continues to offer their heart felt ministry to us. Altar guild beautifies and tends to our holy table. Buildings and grounds continues in its loving tending to our sacred spaces. Pumpkin patch was a tremendous success, both in its fundraising and its community building. MOSA and ECW continue to thrive. We kicked off our outreach ministry with the theme of “The Starfish Throwers”. We have started new offerings with Yoga and Centering Prayer. And in the midst of it all, we witness the love and commitment we all live in relation to one another and our community. It is with joy that we invite you, in this season of recognizing our blessings and giving thanks, prayerfully to consider how God is inviting you to support the ministry of St. Augustine’s through the pledging of your time, talent, and treasure. Did you know that the average cost per person, per year, for the operation of St. Augustine’s is approximately $3,250? Broken down weekly, that is $62.50/week. We wish we could also calculate the number of hours of ministry that goes into it on the part of us all! That would be quite a fantastic number! Our Pledge Drive, “Stone Soup”, begins Sunday, November 6, and runs through Sunday, November 20. Based on a story that is known in different cultural manifestations around the world, Stone Soup is the story of the movement from fear and scarcity to community and abundance. It is a good time for this story as we continue to re-create our community out of the gifts and resources God gifts to each of us to share with one another. Our program is geared towards all ages, so we do hope that you will join us in whatever way is best for you! And yes, we will indeed be making soup! Literally! We don’t want to give away how we will get there--- that is part of the fun!--- but do please join us as we take time to reflect as individuals, as families, and as a community, on how we can best be stewards of the gifts God has given us of time, talent, and treasure to share with one another and with all the world. Below are some online ways to pledge, as you prayerfully discern your commitments of time, talent, and treasure to the ministry of St. Augustine’s. We will joyfully gather and bless these on Sunday November 20. Much Love and Many Prayers, Beloved Radiant Ones! Julia+ |
What will we all bring to create St. Augustine's Stone Soup this year?
"There is no secret, but this is certain:
It is only by sharing that we may make a feast."